Moomin fan shop

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Here you'll find the best Moomin items online - all at great prices. 

Check out all the Moomin products and be delighted! Worldwide Shipping straight from Finland! All products manufactured under license, under trademark ©Moomin Characters™

Ihanaiset Moomin fan shop offers Moomin products from Moomin fans to Moomin fans!

Ihanaiset is a well-known seller of Moomin products. In our selection we have about 1600 different Moomin-themed products from more than 30 different manufacturers. From us you can find e.g. Moomin products from Arabia, Muurla, Martinex, Nordicbuddies, House of Disaster, HuiGee and many others. If there’s something you are unable to find, do suggest it to us with the feedback form. If a Moomin product happens to be out of stock, we have a "subscribe to the availability notification" section on every product page. When the product is back in stock, you will receive a message in your email.

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